Digital camera sees around corners by guessing what’s lurking behind

Seeing the out-of-sight has turned a new corner. Now, digital cameras can take an image of an object hidden around a wall, which could help autonomous cars detect hazards in blind spots.

In principle, any vertical edge can act as an accidental camera, by projecting subtle patterns of light onto the ground. These patterns reveal a semblance of what is happening on the other side of the edge and, though too faint to be noticed by the human eye, can be enhanced and interpreted by imaging algorithms.

Until now, however, these algorithms have required videos not images and a ground that is completely featureless.

Get rid of these unrealistic conditions and you are essentially left with an equation that has three variables and two unknowns, which is traditionally unsolvable, says Vivek Goyal at Boston University in Massachusetts in the US. Yet he and his colleagues have solved it with a new algorithm that seeks the most “plausible” answer, based on the knowledge that the light patterns tend to fade as they get closer to the wall. […]

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